Hydra-Cell® Pumps in Gas Processing Applications - Absorber Wash Water Pumps
Reliably Pumping Corrosive and Non Lubricating Demineralised Water

A major gas producer in the UAE needed to replace their API 674 plunger pumps in the absorber water wash process due to high maintenance and service costs created by the corrosive and non lubricating nature of the demineralised water used.
They found the solution in the form of 4 off seal-less, packing-free Hydra-Cell® pumps. From installation in 2018 to 2022, the only service has been an annual oil change.
Process Challenges
- Reliably pumping the demineralised water at pressure which is corrosive and non lubricating
- Reducing service and maintenance costs in a very hot ambient environment
Hydra-Cell® Pump Advantages
No Seals. No Packing.
- Eliminating seal and packing maintenance
- Ability to pump corrosive, non lubricating, demineralised water at pressure reliably