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Steam Generation


Hydra-Cell® Pumps in Well Fluid Processing Applications - Steam Generation


Steam Generation for EOR

Steam Generation for EOR

Steam injection is a proven method of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) especially effective when recovering heavy oils. A Hungarian company developed a revolutionary new concept for generating the required steam. The system is mobile and can be installed on a truck and removes the need for large boilers, pipelines and fuels. The 50% to 60% concentration of hydrogen peroxide is then commercially available and can be safely transported.

Having no dynamic seals to leak, the Hydra-Cell® pumps are able to handle the hazourdous material with ease and with 100% containment is assured.

Process Challenges

Safely handling hazourdous hydrogen peroxide

Hydra-Cell® Pump Advantages

No Seals. No Packing.

  • Seal-less design ensures 100% containment of hazardous liquids
  • Ability to run dry without damage, indefinitely